Download PDF Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books

Download PDF Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books

Download As PDF : Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books

Download PDF Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books

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Download PDF Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books

"So if you are thinking about a trip to Mexico City, you probably already know that you can see colonial architecture that has been grandly restored, pyramids that date back to before the Americas were discovered, world class art museums (and the maybe best anthropology museum anywhere), top rated public art and architecture, dining at every level that rivals many European cities and can be as exciting as New York....
And that is just the beginning.

So how to figure out where to go? With so many choices?
Buy this book. I live in Mexico, and I can be intimidated by how big Mexico City is and overwhelmed by the variety of choices. But with this guide book I have gone on wonderful walks in beautiful neighborhoods, seen some amazing art, and eaten some world class food. Do yourself a favor."

Product details

  • Paperback
  • Publisher iUniverse, Inc. (1893)
  • ASIN B01K16E4U4

Read Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books

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Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books Reviews :

Mexico City An Opinionated Guide for the Curious Traveler by Jim Johnston 20061122 Books Reviews

  • So if you are thinking about a trip to Mexico City, you probably already know that you can see colonial architecture that has been grandly restored, pyramids that date back to before the Americas were discovered, world class art museums (and the maybe best anthropology museum anywhere), top rated public art and architecture, dining at every level that rivals many European cities and can be as exciting as New York....
    And that is just the beginning.

    So how to figure out where to go? With so many choices?
    Buy this book. I live in Mexico, and I can be intimidated by how big Mexico City is and overwhelmed by the variety of choices. But with this guide book I have gone on wonderful walks in beautiful neighborhoods, seen some amazing art, and eaten some world class food. Do yourself a favor.
  • Jim Johnston's book dispelled any rumors people might believe that this city is dirty, unsafe and dilapidated. We bought this book instead of its more famous cousins, Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Let's Go, for the same reason we'd prefer to have a bite in a beloved local mom n pop place rather than go to Wendy's - or talk to a friend rather than watch TV. It's like the title says, this is a guide for the discerning traveler. It's light on the obvious things, the major tourist attractions, the things you can find online after a second long search. Instead it focuses on what life here is like, starting with what the experience of arriving at the airport is like, how to safely and easily get a cab, and then takes you on a tour of this amazing, colorful, musical, generous place from the point of view of an expat - a writer who moved here from New York City. It describes the best neighborhoods to see, the best rooftop bars to stop in on, the best places to eat, but also the culture and what to expect. I read Jim Johnston's book cover to cover and that's something that people never really do with travel books. They'll just look for the parts they need in the index like the glossary of common phrases or the exchange rate - but I couldn't put this book down, it was an easy read, a fast read, and without being excitable or sentimental. You trust the writer instantly, whose only agenda is to share his love of the city with the reader.

    This unique travel guide takes you on no less than 16 walking tours through this enormous, glorious city, something that you'd never be able to do otherwise unless you had a close friend who lived here and who had a week to show you around the city like only a local can. My wife and I did literally all 16 walk-arounds that Jim Johnston's book recommended and absolutely fell in love with Mexico City, or as it is nicknamed, D.F. (el Distrito Federal). We had no idea that it would be so leafy, with so many tree lined streets and beautiful, bucolic parks, that it would be much less hectic than New York City, much cleaner and safer than San Francisco, much friendlier than Paris (but with the same outdoor cafe and intellectual culture) and with much greater infrastructure than London (and these are all places I adore and have lived).

    Without this book, we'd have never known for example that Uber in Mexico City is both inexpensive, safe, and the car shows up in literally one or two minutes every time - no matter where you are! We want to move here now and this book even gives you tips about doing that. But I won't spoil the fun. Visit Mexico City, a little known gem (sure it's famous but it's not #1 on most people's lists of places to see) and that's quickly become my favorite big city in the world and, when you do, make sure to get a copy of Jim Johnston's book. I'd have been overwhelmed without it and probably not seen anything other than the obvious bits. Now I feel like a local - and plan on becoming one!
  • Equipped with dire warnings from friends and family, I embarked on a trip to Mexico City, confident that I had a good, common-sense book to guide me through. I was thrilled. Mexico was all and more than I expected. With guidance from this book, I was able to get money from the ATM without being mugged, traveled safely on the metro (subway) and explored distant neighborhoods. I even got a cab from the sitio and knew I was safe. I stayed at the recommended Hotel Catedral which was in a great location, was safe and clean, and had delicious all-included breakfasts. What I enjoyed most from the book was the interesting tidbits on history and culture. I had another travel book with me and I left that one in the hotel "library" since I did not need it. Don't go to Mexico City without this book!!
  • The book is resembling a personal scrapbook with the very limited usefulness both for the first-time visitor and for someone who has the basic knowledge of the city. Chaotic 16 (!) "walking tours" have no maps. Listing of the hotels and restaurants is also chaotic, description close to none. Little advice and even less opinion can be found in this small publication.. Index is incomplete.
  • I have probably read most of the guides to Mexico City, while making annual trips there to visit family. This one was discovered by chance on my last trip, but it is now probably my favorite. The author is an artist and he brings an artistic sensibility to his choice of sights, activities, and restaurants that is very close to my own. In addition to listings, the book contains 16 walking tours that include the standard sights and off-beat ones as well -- some of his discoveries could be made only by someone who loves Mexico City and is willing to explore its more unusual haunts.
  • My wife,14 year old son and I traveled to Mexico City, we used this book as our primary guide of what to do there. I bought it because the sample made it clear that the guide was comprised of walking tours of various neighborhoods, that's exactly what we (at least my wife and I), want to do. This guide saved me hours digging through each neighborhood and finding the highlights. My two cents would be to use this as a starting point, if he's sending you to places or architecture you're not super interested in, you can pass by quickly or skip. He clearly knows and loves the city, we covered maybe 7 of his tours in our 5 days and found it an ideal way to explore and enjoy Mexico City (and yes, we also loved Mexico City).
  • This book was fabulous for me & my group (all first timers)! Easy to navigate, just enough background/history, great restaurant recommendations. We loved the walking tours too...and the shopping recommendations. Jim Johnston really knows his city. Just watch out for those sidewalks, and use Uber for everything if you don't speak Spanish--that makes it SO easy to get around (and it's ridiculously cheap)!
